The language that you hear on the streets is most likely to be Mallorquin, a version af Catalan, which itslef shares features with both French and Spanish but sounds nothing like either and is emphatically a language, not a dialect.  Below are some words in Mallorquin (written language Catalan) to help you get along .


Powered By Hotel Horizonte
hotel hotel Bed and breakfast llit i berenar
single room habitacio senzilla double room habitacio doble
one person una persona one night una nit
reservation reservas room service servei d'habitacio
chambermaid cambrera bath bany
shower dutxa toilet toaleta
balcony balco key clau
lift ascensor sea view vista al mar
bank banc exchange office oficina de canvi
post office correus coin moneda
bank notes bitlet de banc cheque xec
traveller's cheque xec de viatge credit card carta de credit
exchange rate tant per cent comission charges comissio
cashier caixer change camvi
foreign currency moneda estrangera
Food & Drink.
cafe cafe pub/bar celler
breakfast berenar lunch dinar
dinner sopar table mesa
waiter cambrer waitress cambrera
starter primer plat main course segon plat
dessert postres bill cuenta
beer cervesa wine vi
water aigua coffee cafe
aeroplane avio airport aeroport
train tren bus autobus
station estacio boat vaixell
port port ticket bitllet
single ticket senzill - a return ticket anar i tornar
non smoking no fumar car cotxe
petrol gasolina bus stop la parada
how do I get to..? per anar a .. ? where is ..? on es ..?
yes si no no
please per favor thank you gracies
welcome de res hello hola
goodbye adeu good morning bon dia
good afternoon bona tarda goodnight bona nit
excuse me perdoni you're welcome de res
how are you? com va? do you speak..? parla ..?
english angles I don't understand no ho entenc
how much? quant es? open obert
closed tancat today avui
tomorrow dema
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